Scotland: Fort William

We spent three days in Fort William enjoying several outdoor activities, including hiking and boat cruising on a lake. We also took a day trip by train and ferry to the Isle of Skye.

We are off to Scotland!

On June 10th Sandy and Lauren are going to Scotland for 10 days. Our itinerary calls for stops in four cities, where we plan to mix historic sights with the natural beauty of the area.

New Articles Section Launched

As we speak to and email with others about our travel experiences, we receive many of the same questions from folks who want to understand how we prepare and stay healthy and safe on the road. Our around the world trip also raises questions about our motivation for taking it, the planning involved and traveling with kids for a long duration.

How to Stay Healthy on the Road

Feeling bad while on the road and being in a strange place is one of the worst situations one can experience, especially when so much time, money and effort have gone into planning a trip. While I have had my share of feeling “under the weather” during my travels, I have developed techniques for preparing and dealing with food and drink that have helped me.

Ecuador: Cotopaxi

Cotopaxi National Park is 50 miles south of Quito. We stayed at a wonderful hacienda in the area that contains some original Inca empire walls. We also took a day trip into the park and a short hike.